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I'm planing to make a new character

Here is all the voice lines

Hey just a baldi player can u make all the voice lines of slimey and jack and Scarlett and ur annoying classmate and mapple please

oh yeah sure I didn't know this exist but ok


random spritePlaceholder.jph

his sprite Goober.jph


Im going to make a video tomorrow

Can you make p poster for micro if he doesn't understand what they do



When Scarlett is normal

When Scarlett sees u run more than 9 secs and gets angry

She looks like the girl from BBCCS reimagined but just drawn

Oh u mean this

Ye I think I copied it🙃

when Scarlett sees u run more than three secs

Next Scarlett

when jack takes ur items 


No he's just bully's short freind

When jack says u lied

When jack doesn't let u pass

When jack is saying do u have any items

Next jack

And when mapple says baldi over here

I dear you to make him more annoying like add him holding a glue(as he stuck you to the floor to make baldi get ya)

Ok (srry if I'm late)

when mapple gets angry

when mapple tells the principal of the thing

Crying mapple

Ok mapple is first when he needs to borrow a map

soooooo when are we going to Bata test

Another character idea her name is Scarlett dondt run in the halls when she sees u if u do ur not safe and Scarlett will take on notebook away

Do you want to know how to kill and make angry stick man rage well I have yea

1 ragging you have to get three door looks wait until he tires to to get your items look the yellow doors ×3 if you hear "YOU MADE ME SO MAD IM GONNA GET YOU" that means he Is on rage it's last very long and he kills so yeah

2 killing all you have to do is find safety scissors use it on him and he starts scream and it's starts to get glitchy and then he fades away so your safe but after 3 minutes he comes back from it's a bully's drawing (yes it's a bully made him) and that's all 

Here's the Sprite rage and dead

here's is mapple when crying when he cry his hair will grow that means strike 1 if u do that again until strick three he will get angry and tell baldi where u are when he sees u and u need to say sorry so he will be happy again

Here when u let mapple borrow ur map

Here is when mapple is walking

all lines for 
All lines for angry stick man (it's pretty bad)



dead version of himDEAD.jph


Also I haven't been on my game jolt account a long time

I'm p playing BBCCS 5 the bummus school

How it works:


Sprite 3:

Sprite 2:

Sprite 1:

Here is the sprites:

Later lol

I also have a idea for a character:

His name is hand,he usually pushes the player around the school and stealing your stamina when he does so.He spins 360 degrees just like first prise but cant be stopped with the scissors!

made a poster!



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